Booking corporate shuttle vans can be an immense advantage for your business in several ways. First of all there are environmental benefits, because there will be fewer vehicles on the road burning fuel and contributing to the crowdedness of urban streets. There will also be fewer cars taking up scarce parking spots, and adding to the congestion around busy parking areas.

Apart from the environmental aspect however, there are a number of other benefits to booking corporate shuttle vans for your employees. They can be used in a variety of different ways, for instance retrieving employees from public transit centers and shuttling them to the workplace. So versatility is another appealing aspect of using corporate shuttle vans to transport employees to and from work. You’d be surprised at the other advantages which pertain strictly to the employees themselves, and these are the benefits which we’ll focus on below.

Employee retention

Some employees have already stated that their company shuttle program attracted them to the company in the first place, and that it contributes to them remaining loyal to the company, because of the big benefit it provides. It can help employees save money on transportation costs, it’s much less of a hassle because transportation is provided to them, and there’s even the benefit of increased social interaction with their colleagues while in transit. Riding on the shuttle is a great way for employees to get to know each other, and it can help them feel much more connected to colleagues, and to the company in general. This in turn fosters a sense of teamwork and togetherness, which is desirable from any angle you look at it.

Convenience for employees

shuttle van in boston areaEmployees who use a corporate shuttle almost always have a little more time during their busy day to get prepared for the upcoming work schedule. It may also afford them time to check on their overnight emails, spend a little more time with their children, and then just relax on the way to work while someone else does all the driving.

Some studies have shown that driving through daily traffic can be a significant contributor to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, increased anxiety, and even depression. When your employees have a chance to avoid all those negative health consequences, it might very well be that your workforce stays happier and healthier for a longer period of time.

Increased company reputation

When your business provides a corporate shuttle for employees to get to work and back, it will increase your reputation as an employer that actually cares about employee welfare. When this reputation starts to grow, and your business becomes known as an employee-centric one, it can make it much easier to find qualified employees to work at your business. Other companies may even want to consult with you to find out what you’re doing to make your employees so happy to work with you, and so loyal to your company.

Reduced carbon footprint

Especially if your shuttle program is an extensive one, and includes a large number of your employees, your company will have the potential for significantly reducing its carbon footprint. By eliminating a great many vehicles from the urban landscape, you will be reducing carbon emissions into the urban environment, and at a noteworthy rate.

This is not only good for your company, but it’s good for your employees and your community as well. For this reason, you should encourage all your employees to participate in the corporate shuttle van program, so as to maximize your ‘green’ effort, and reduce your carbon footprint as much as possible.

Reduced company expense

In the long run, establishing an extensive shuttle program for your employees may end up saving your company a significant expense. This is especially true if you have to pay mileage to your employees, which they will claim on their expense reports. You may also save money by not having to build a parking garage, or pay for employee parking spots on urban streets.

Some states also offer tax credits to employers who set up commuter programs for their employees. While the component savings amounts may be modest, when you put them all together, it can add up to a significant savings for your company, and one that is well worth considering.

Boston Group Transportation Services

Local Motion is your local group transportation expert, having provided over 25 years of safe and dependable charter bus, shuttle bus, corporate transportation and school bus service throughout Boston and New England.

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66B Rocsam Park Rd.
Braintree, MA 02184

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Newton, MA 02460


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